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John Bamford Primary

Adventure Curriculum 

At The John Bamford School we passionately believe in preparing our children for a world which just refuses to stand still. More than ever, pupils growing up today will best prosper when they are able to quickly transfer skills they have learnt in one area of life to another. The development of flexible, adaptable and resilient life long learners is central to our vision for the school’s curriculum. It is because of this philosophy that we have developed a curriculum which knits together all areas of the curriculum as we work through adventures designed to inspire and motivate. Paying attention to depth, progression and variety of learning, teachers plan meaningful, challenging units of work which will live in the memory of students for years to come.

Throughout our adventure style learning, we thread the core and foundation subjects of the National Curriculum: English; Maths; Science; History; Geography; Music; Computing; Art and Design; Design Technology; PE and Modern Foreign Languages (This is introduced where appropriate in the Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, and taught as a lesson in Key Stage 2.)

In additional to those subjects we teach Religious Education (RE) in accordance with the locally agreed syllabus and weave a rich seam of Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural experiences throughout all our learning.

Year Group Long Term Plans




Year 5&6 Cycle 2 


 Year Group Medium Term Plans - Autumn Term 2024






 Year Group Medium Term Plans - Spring Term 2025