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John Bamford Primary

Attendance Information

 The importance of being at school

Our mission statement ‘Learning for life’ fosters the importance of education in a child’s life. Every day a child learns new things, has new experiences and takes another step closer to their future. Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment.

Parents/carers and the school staff should work in partnership in making education a success and in ensuring that all children have full and equal access to all that the school has to offer.

As a school, we will encourage parents and carers to ensure that their child achieves maximum possible attendance and that any problems that prevent this are identified and acted on promptly.


Punctuality is very important and can have a great effect on your child's attendance, education and ultimately sets them up for the future.

Did you know that if a child arrives just five minutes late three times in a week, they will miss ten hours of education in a school year?


Please remember that the gates open at 8.40am and close at 8.55am.