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John Bamford Primary

Before and After School Club

The John Bamford Before and After School Club aims to provide high quality childcare within a warm and welcoming environment. The individuality of each child in our care will be respected and nurtured. 

Overarching Principles:

  • To provide out of school services with primarily social objectives, whose surpluses are principally reinvested into the school for that provision.
  • To have an inclusive approach in recognition of the needs of all children.
  • To create a legacy for the benefit of all children, current and future.

JB Before & After School Club will:

  • Offer an inclusive service, accessible to all children in the school community.
  • Ensure each child feels happy, safe and secure, allowing them to learn and develop freely in a play centred environment.
  • Encourage children to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.
  • Encourage children to develop positive attitudes and respect for themselves and others, in an environment free from bullying and discrimination.
  • Offer a programme of activities which meets the needs of each child, promoting their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development, enabling them to become confident, independent and co-operative individuals.
  • Work in partnership with parents to provide high quality play and care.
  • To continue to promote spiritual, moral, social and cultural values, as well as British values through diverse clubs and activities at our before and after school club.

Mrs Clare Walker | BASCC | Holiday Club Manager

BASCC phone number - 07508857641

BASCC emailBASCC@johnbamford.staffs.sch.uk 

BASCC invoice emailbascc-invoices@johnbamford.staffs.sch.uk

Breakfast Club 

Before School Club runs from 7.30am to 8.45am each morning during term time.

Children are dropped off at the main pedestrian gate at the front of the school, where the BASCC staff will be waiting to greet them.

Children are given a choice of breakfast items; cereals, toast, yoghurts and fruit juices are available. These are included in the price of the session.

At 8.40am, the children are delivered to their classroom for registration by a member of the Club staff.

 After School Club

Early Years and Key Stage 1 children are collected by a member of Club staff from the playground at 3.15pm. Key Stage 2 children will walk to the BASCC room.

The children have the option to eat a light supper which is included in the price of the session and are encouraged to complete any homework they have been set by their teacher and reading their school reading book.

There are lots of exciting activities available, indoor and outdoor (weather permitting).

Children may be collected any time before 6.00pm.

On arrival to collect children, parents/carers are asked to call the BASCC phone and a member of staff will bring their children to the pedestrian gate at the front of the school.

Holiday Club

Holiday club runs throughout all school holidays except for the Christmas break. This is available for children aged from 2-11 years old.

Activities will be planned using our indoor and outdoor facilities, catering to all ages and abilities.

Opening times and sessions for Holiday club are as below:

8.45am - 3.15pm | Full session

8.45am - 12.00 midday | Morning session

12.00 midday - 3.15pm | Afternoon session

Children will need to bring a packed lunch from home and snacks and drinks will be provided.

Please complete and return the documents below to the school office to register for Breakfast Club, After School Club and Holiday Club. 

Registration Form


Emergency Registration

Children from another setting

Ad-Hoc Session 

Privacy Notice for Pupils in JB Tots, BASCC and Nursery