Core Curriculum
The Curriculum at The John Bamford Primary School
At The John Bamford School we passionately believe in preparing our children for a world which just refuses to stand still. More than ever, pupils growing up today will best prosper when they are able to quickly transfer skills they have learnt in one area of life to another. The development of flexible, adaptable and resilient life long learners is central to our vision for the school’s curriculum. It is because of this philosophy that we have developed a curriculum which knits together all areas of the curriculum as we work through adventures designed to inspire and motivate. Paying attention to depth, progression and variety of learning, teachers plan meaningful, challenging units of work which will live in the memory of students for years to come.
The school follows the National Curriculum for English. All adventures are based around a high quality, age appropriate text which forms the basis of the pupil’s reading and writing.
Work in speaking, listening, reading and writing is integrated throughout Literacy and through all other curriculum areas and the links between these are made explicit to the pupils. English and the skills of Literacy are seen as the media through which pupils learn and they are drawn on extensively in other subject areas. Homework is also used to support the English Curriculum.
Click here for an overview of our Long Term Plan for Literacy.
For more information on the National Curriculum year by year objectives for English please, follow the link below:
National Curriculum for English
The school follows the National Curriculum for Mathematics. As with the English curriculum, objectives are broken down into year groups; we have adapted the White Rose Maths scheme to organise those objectives into a logical learning progression. The teaching of Maths, in-line with the White Rose pedagogy, follows a ‘concrete, pictorial to abstract’ progression of concepts to promote the greatest strength of understanding in our children. They are challenged to apply this understanding through reasoning and problem solving tasks, including Deepening the Moment tasks in both maths lessons and the wider curriculum.
For more information on the National Curriculum year by year objectives for Mathematics please follow the link below:
National Curriculum for Mathematics
For more information about White Rose, please follow this link:
The school follows the National Curriculum for Science. The Programme of Study for the National Curriculum is broken down into year groups. We teach science knowledge and skills through our adventure style thematic learning and make links and connections to other areas of the curriculum as children learn.
Staff, children and other stakeholders in our school have agreed upon the ‘JB Science Vision and Principles’ which we use to promote effective learning in Science. These principles help both staff and pupils to share a mutual understanding of the environment in which effective learning in Science takes place. Please follow the link below to see our full list of the Science Vision and Principles.
Please click here to view the JB Science Vision and Principles
For more information on the National Curriculum year by year objectives for Science, please follow the link below: