Curriculum Intent - Science
Mrs Hough | Subject Lead
Our Curriculum Drivers
Characteristics of a John Bamford Scientist
Click here to view our Long Term Plan for Science
Aspire to be a Scientist
Pupils develop an understanding of how subjects and specific skills are linked to future jobs.
Here are some of the jobs you could aspire to do in the future as a Scientist:
- Working with animals – a vet, marine biologist, zoologist or conservationist
- Working with humans – a doctor, chemist, nurse, dentist, optician or sports therapist
- Engineering – mechanical, chemical, aeronautical or robotics
- Media – film, computing or photography
- Different fields of science – astronomy, forensics, natural history, genetics or meteorology a science teacher
For more careers, please visit First Careers, careers in science and BBC Bitesize Careers.
PSQM GILT Award Portfolio 2021-2022 Part A
PSQM GILT Award Portfolio 2021-2022 Part B
PSQM GILT Award Portfolio 2021-2022 Part C
PSQM GILT Award Portfolio 2021-2022 Part D
Science Portfolio - PSQM Award June 2018