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John Bamford Primary

Beyond the classroom - Enrichment 

At The John Bamford Primary School, we provide a broad range of beyond the classroom enrichment opportunities focused around Sports, the Arts and Culture. We firmly believe that these opportunities have a number of benefits for our pupils, both academically and personally by broadening their life experiences.

Click here to view a round up of all the enrichment opportunities that took place at our school last academic year: 2023-2024.

As well as enrichment days to celebrate and enrich each subject, pupils also have the chance to take part in a variety of extra-curricular opportunities and responsibilities within our school.

Please see below for enrichment opportunities on offer to all children this academic year:

Choir | Mrs Palmer-Hayward

Violin and Keyboard lessons | Mrs Palmer-Hayward

Rocksteady Music School | https:/rocksteadymusicschool.com/ 

Reading Ambassadors | Mrs Dean and Mrs Hough 

Maths Ambassadors | Mr Moxon

Junior Leadership Team (JLT) | Mrs Hough, Mrs Boughey and Mrs Harper 

Junior Lunchtime Supervisors (JLS) | Mrs Johnson 

Design Technology Ambassadors | Miss Aucote 

Wellbeing Ambassadors | Mrs Bevan-Phillips and Nicky Laird (MHST)

STEAM Ambassadors | Mrs Hough, Mr Moxon and Miss Aucote 

Digital Leaders | Miss Hudson 

Sports Leaders | Miss Wilton and Mr Foster 

Football (Boys and Girls Teams) | Miss Wilton, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Pierzak 

Tag Rugby | Miss Wilton 

Basketball | Mrs Pierzak 

Forest School | Mrs Pierzak 

Drawing and Colouring | Miss Perry 

Wake Up, Shake Up! | Miss McLeod 

Top Trumps | Mr Foster 

Community Gardening | Mrs Hough and Mrs Dean 

Head Boy and Head Girl 

Prefects - recycling, flag bearers, litter picking 

House Captains 

A number of after-school sports clubs are also run by Footsteps Sports Academy. These take place daily and change every half term.

Please contact footstepssportsacademy@outlook.com to view the sports clubs available and to secure your child's place.