the governing board
Governors provide their time to help the school on a voluntary basis and come from a range of different backgrounds. There are a variety of different roles within the governing board but ultimately it involves working with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to make sure our pupils receive the best possible education.
The Governors at John Bamford are a mixture of elected and appointed individuals. All Governors, regardless of elected or appointed status are recruited on their skills, knowledge and experience to build a balanced governing board to provide support and challenge to the school leadership. All Governors attend all meetings which cover standards, finance and premises, health and safety and personnel.
We support the Headteacher and the dedicated team of staff, but also we will challenge, where necessary.
Register of InterestThe Governing Board
Mrs Kath Bryan | Chair of the Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)
Mrs Emily Austin | Co Vice Chair of the Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)
Mrs Jacqui Dalby | Co Vice Chair of the Governing Board (Co-opted Governor)
Miss Fiona Bracebridge | Staff Governor
Mrs Kerry Jones | Co-opted Governor
Mrs Charlotte Killick | Parent Governor
Mrs Angela Munnelly | LA Governor
Mrs Gemma Gittins | Parent Governor
Mrs Louise Ferguson | Headteacher
Mrs Lisa Foxall | Director of Business and Finance (Invited Observer)
Ms Kate Wall | Deputy Headteacher (Invited Observer)
Mrs Yasmin Hodgkiss | Clerk
Governors Contact -
Governor Attendance September 2022 - July 2023
Governor Impact Statement September 2022 - July 2023