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John Bamford Primary


Our School Vision

We are preparing our children to live fulfilled lives as positive, motivated lifelong learners;

who adapt, contribute and give their best as local, national and global citizens in an ever changing technological world. 

Our School Values

Respect, Resilience, Reflection and Collective Responsibility 

Our school values help us to live and learn in harmony together. The four values were chosen as a frame of reference for bringing out the best in all of us. They are the foundation of our safe and caring school which is committed to learning and working together.

As a school, we have an overview for our assemblies which include key themes, a focus on values, learning attitudes and answering a big question. Children take part in discussion assemblies with their peers, giving them opportunities to mix with children in their phase, share their views and listen to and appreciate the opinions of others; thus developing not only their knowledge of the world and their confidence, but their tolerance to those with differing opinions.

British Values

As well as promoting our core school values within school, we also promote the following fundamental British values: Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual liberty, Mutual respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.

At The John Bamford Primary School, we reinforce these values through collective worship and regularly throughout school in the following ways:


Children have the opportunity to have their voices heard in school. The school also carries out regular questionnaires with the pupils to ascertain their thoughts and feelings about our school. The findings are shared with staff and Governors and form part of the school's self-evaluation and future planning. The Junior Leadership Team (JLT) are elected democratically, voting in each class at the beginning of each year.

Rule of Law

The importance of laws, whether they be those in class, the school or the country are reinforced in school regularly through the SMSC curriculum and whole school assembly. Across the school and the EYFS, there is a clear code of conduct with rules agreed by the pupils: I can listen and respond to adult instructions straight away; I can use good manners at all times and I can be kind to everyone and everything.  Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind school goals and national laws that protect us, look after us and govern us. We discuss with the children and make clear the consequences when they choose to break the goals in school and when the laws of the land are broken. We arrange visitors to speak with the children such as the Police to discuss road safety, Bikeability, Fire safety and the NSPCC.

Individual Liberty

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make personal choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school, we educate boundaries for children to make choices safely. Children are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our Digital Leaders; The school is continuing to strengthen their Digital Leaders program to encourage peer teaching and allow them to discuss issues important to them. The school's aim with online safety is to educate children how to be responsible digital citizens. Pupils also have freedom of choice in respect of the challenge of their learning across the curriculum; using the task card, children can decide where to pitch their level of activity based on their understanding. Pupils are also given the opportunity to choose their own challenges at home through the use of the Peri-o-meter scale on their homework. As a reward for following our school behaviour code and remaining on the sunshine or rainbow throughout the week, pupils are able to choose an activity that they wish to participate in on a Friday afternoon during ‘Golden Time’.

 Mutual Respect

Our school ethos and Behaviour Policy revolve around our school values such as respect. The values are reflected in our school goals, displays, newsletters and website and in the curriculum where opportunities arise. Where pupils show good core values or mutual respect they may well be given house points. House Captains remind children in their houses of good core values of behaviour in school and towards others in and around school. In our assembly overview, we focus on the value of respect and children are invited to take part in discussion assemblies with their peers.

Our Junior Leadership team promote our core values and respectfully share the thoughts of their peers both in their classes and upon giving feedback to other pupils. JLT members are good ambassadors for our school and they encourage their peers to uphold our school values. The lunchtime staff continue to uphold this as they use the support of our Junior Lunchtime Supervisors (JLS) to continue to promote our values through a variety of reward systems and through following our school’s behaviour policy.

 Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

This is achieved through enhancing children's understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity through our RE Curriculum. Collective Worship has core themes that recognise key dates within different faiths and cultures such as Ramadam and Passover. Assemblies are followed up and supported by learning in SMSC and RE.  Each year group are encouraged to invite members of different faiths into school or to visit places of worship to develop children’s knowledge which helps to enhance learning within our school.

We participate in great British events such as the Royal Jubilee, Royal weddings and Remembrance events. In November we see members of our school pay their respects at Rugeley Cenotaph, laying a wreath designed and created by our children at Forest School. On a more general level, the school undertakes assemblies which uphold traditional values of empathy, respect and tolerance. These are also taught within formal SMSC sessions and RE lessons and in an informal nature throughout the school day.