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John Bamford Primary

Year 1

Mrs Hough and Ms Bradbury | Year 1 Teachers 

Hi, I am Mrs. Hough, I have worked in education for over 16 years and studied Early Childhood Studies at degree level before completing my teacher training. I joined The John Bamford Primary School 5 years ago and love being a part of the vision and ethos of the school. I am a member of the Senior Leadership Team with the responsibility of leading Phonics, Science and Phase 2. I am a mum to my 3 children and I love day trips out and spending as much time as I can with my family. I like to go on lots of walks and my favourite place to go to is to the beach! I love teaching children and want to ensure that we help to give them the best possible start to their education through a fun, engaging classroom that develops their natural curiosity and desire to learn!


Hi, my name is Ms Bradbury, and this will be my third year at The John Bamford Primary School. I am so excited to be teaching in Year 1 and I am looking forward to experiencing some wonderful learning adventures this year with all of the children.  In my spare time I enjoy going on family days out with my three daughters and taking my dog Gus on long walks.



In Year 1, children continue their learning of Phonics in preparation for the Phonics Screening Check in June. In these lessons, children are set weekly spellings linked to the Phonics graphemes that they have been learning as well as the common exception words for Year 1. Your child will read with an adult at school but reading regularly at home will support your child’s reading development and progress.

From the moment children enter Year 1, we work alongside parents/guardians to build their child’s independence. This means that we ask that they come into the cloakroom by themselves and are responsible for their belongings and actions. If your child has shoes that have laces, please practice tying these laces with your child.